Monday, September 6, 2010

Define: foreigner

Our story is not a rare one, I am sure. But it does leave one in a strange sort of limbo when it comes to that feeling of belonging that most people have for a nation. We lived in Mexico most of our childhood. So most of our grade school was in Mexico(a great thing, as we would later find out). We moved across the border to El Paso, TX. Where we went to middle school, high school, and some college. We eventually graduated college from New Mexico State University. So most of our socializing, and all of our teenage years were in the US. At home, with family, we were Mexican, we felt Mexican. At school, with friends, at work, we always spoke English. This means we would never learn the lingo that people used in Spanish. So even though we could communicate with people when socializing in Spanish, to them, we were never true Mexicans. And in the US, even though we spoke English, studied there, worked there, we were always Mexicans. At 22, we moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pursuing a job opportunity. We have been in Milwaukee until now (September, 2010). Needless to say, although we like Milwaukee, we definitely do not feel like we are from here either.

In Mexico, we are not true Mexicans. In the US we are not true Americans.

So this is why we really identify with this song....

A ship awaits me at the port
I know not where it will take me
I don't seek grandeur

I leave without thinking of the return
I don't mourn what I leave behind
I just know that what's left
I can carry in one bag

But where I am headed, I am known as a foreigner
Wherever I roam, I feel a foreigner

I am also a stranger in my homeland
even though I truly love it
but my heart counsels me:
nationalism, how it frightens me

No homeland, no flag
no race, no class
no limits, no borders
Foreigner, I am

Enrique Bunbury - 'El Extranjero'


  1. Wow, I have never thought about it that way, but yeah, I guess it is true :S

  2. Very true indeed.

    Pocho in Mexico, Wetback in the US.

    I love WA though.


    It feels like home, away from home(family).

  3. that's so awesome, hopefully one day i'll get to leave this place and go catch up with you guys

  4. Ustedes son un gran ejemplo para todos nosotros, de que los suenos se pueden lograr, con esfuerzo, dedicacion, determinacion, trabajo y enfoque en sus metas, ademas sin perder su entusiasmo y disfrutar en el proceso...Sigan hacia adelante, son un gran ejemplo para las nuevas generaciones como ustedes y una gran satisfaccion para nosotros su familia!!!
